Alexandra Christensen
Alexandra Christensen is a freelance writer and editor. When she is not working on an assignment, she can be found hanging around with other writers on where she writes mostly about raising foster and adopted kids and those with invisible disabilities.
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What Are the Different Types of Teaching Philosophies?
Growing up in the 70s and 80s, I had no idea that there were different teaching philosophies. Yet now that I have learned about the different methods teachers use, I can see the influence they have had on my life and the way I homeschool my kids. So what are the different types of teaching […] More
What Are the Different Types of Colleges and Universities?
I have a son who just graduated high school. It was a surprise to all of us, so we really hadn’t thought about his plans for the future. Now that he has a high school diploma, we are looking around to see what his options are for postsecondary education. I wonder what different types of […] More
Why Do Teachers Hate Hoodies?
As an adoptive mom of biracial children, I’m not too fond of hoodies. I seriously feel like they make kids look like thugs and gang members. And in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, plus living in the South, I find myself getting fearful as my 8-year-old starts to look more and more […] More
34 Types of School Clubs
When I was in high school in the 80s, there weren’t nearly as many clubs as today. I remember being involved in the art club and the ski club, but at my school, that was about the extent of my interests. However, nowadays, there are so many different things kids can experience in an afterschool […] More
What Is the Importance of Special Education to a Teacher?
As a mom to special needs kids, I fully understand the importance of having a teacher who is trained to work with children with varying abilities. We like to know that the person who spends most of the day with our children knows how to interact with and teach them in a way they can […] More
What Is the Most Difficult Aspect of Teaching Today?
If you ask a teacher what the most challenging part of their job is today, you will likely get a barrage of responses that are extremely different from the responses just three years ago. It used to be that teachers were struggling with the many distractions, such as kids checking their phones for text messages […] More
How Do Homeschoolers Graduate?
I’ve almost completed my first year of homeschooling my 5-year-old. It was very challenging and, yet, I’m considering homeschooling my 8-year-old next year as well. As I look into the homeschool future of both my children, I can’t help but wonder how do homeschoolers graduate? The most important thing you need to know is the […] More
How Do Homeschoolers Make Friends?
This year I started homeschooling my special needs son. The one thing he struggles with the most is what he needs to experience the most – socialization. Yet it wasn’t working for him at school, and I found myself getting called to pick him up early almost every day. After several weeks of calls, I […] More
Why Do Teachers Leave the Profession?
My son started pre-kindergarten in the middle of the 2019 school year. He was in a children with special needs class, and I loved his teacher. He loved his teacher. Everything seemed to be going so well, and this was before the pandemic. Then, just a few months later, his teacher left. I was heartbroken, […] More
What Are the Pros and Cons of Teachers Carrying Guns in School?
On April 20, 1999, two students went to their high school in Littleton, Colorado, and murdered 12 of their peers and one teacher. They wounded 21 others. Though the shootings at Columbine High School are not the first mass school shooting to occur, they seem to have set the stage for an emerging way kids […] More
6 Different Types of Bullying
When I grew up in the 70s, bullying didn’t need to be defined. Usually, one or two kids hung around the school waiting for the nerdy kids to walk by, and they would jump out and tease them and maybe knock their books out of their hands. I wouldn’t say it was harmless, but it […] More