It is no secret that teaching is not the best-paid job in the world. Thankfully what it lacks in financial reward it more than makes up for in other ways. The trouble is those other ways don’t put food on the table. This is where The Moneywise Teacher helps. It gives you great ways to save and make money.
But how do you find time to become a teacherpreneur while also being the dedicated teacher you want to be?
Finding more time in the day
I’m about to give you the secret to finding more time in the day.
There isn’t any.
Sorry ladies and gents but there are only 1,444 minutes to work with and no way around it.
Now that we have dealt with that bombshell it is time to reflect. Where are your minutes going? I suggest you experiment and create a simple audit of where your time is going. This doesn’t need to be fancy, a scrap of paper will do. Make a note how long you spend doing everything from grading papers to scrolling Facebook to doing laundry.
When you have the results, look at where you could make time savings and where you could use those savings to invest in being a teacherpreneur.
Ignoring what others are doing
Have you noticed how many super mums there are on the internet? The ones that home-school a dozen children while running their own business and travelling the world with a bikini ready body. Does that sound like you? Nah, me neither.
Comparison is not the key to success. You need to focus on yourself, your aims and your goals. If you want to make time to work on your business of an evening you can. If you think you don’t have time, and would rather work at the weekend that is fine too. Find your rhythm and what works best for you.
Being kind to yourself
As a teacher, you are unlikely to think of yourself as a priority. We are a selfless breed and so we struggle to make time for ourselves. Please listen to this next bit closely:
It is not selfish to prioritize your own wellbeing. You are no good to anyone in a heap on the floor.
Please, please, please make realistic goals and working habits. Maybe you can’t have it all at once. Would that be the end of the world? Would a balanced (relatively) stress-free lifestyle not be better for you, your students, and those your care about?
Being adaptable
Teaching may be your overarching superpower but with it comes the power to adapt. Don’t be afraid to try things out with your business and your working patterns. Review, reflect and refine as you do. It isn’t failing to change things around.
You can be a successful teacher and teacherpreneur. Be brave. Give it a go.
Are you trying to do too much? Audit your time and share in the comments what you’ve learned and want to change.